gestational surrogate

Nutrition 101 For Gestational Surrogate Mothers

The Best of Nutrition 101 For Gestational Surrogate Mothers

As a gestational surrogate, it is important that you watch what you eat now that you are eating for two. To achieve proper nutrition, follow the practical tips in this article and get started on a happier, healthier you.

For starters, eat small meals as opposed to big, heavy meals. Five or six smaller portioned meals spread throughout the course of a day will be better digested and keep weight down. Frequent eating also cuts your appetite, thus lessening your desire to overeat.

When preparing meals and snacks, it’s essential to observe a certain ratio regarding the nutrients you consume. What you take in should be about half carbs, then one quarter protein and one quarter fat. As a gestational surrogate, learn how to balance your diet so that you take in the appropriate amount of nutrients.

Including food rich in fiber is another great tip. As a gestational surrogate mom, you’ll find that fiber is essential in maintaining your body weight, as it helps keep you full. It also helps with various health problems such as diabetes, cardiac issues, and a few types of cancer. In addition, fiver helps with digestion and minimizes the risk of irregular bowel movements.

Pay attention to your consumption of unhealthy foods so that you can make healthy substitutes. For instance, eat baked foods instead of fried ones. As a surrogate mother, limit your intake of unhealthy oils. Baked or steamed foods contain fewer oils and fats as compared to fried foods. You can also make a healthy switch from sugary treats to baked goods or cereals.

Vitamin B6 is a 100-percent natural combatant against depression. Research has shown that Vitamin B6 keeps serotonin levels consistent, and scarcity of serotonin is what, in most cases, causes depression. To enhance your mood during your gestational surrogate experience, eat foods like broccoli, wheat germ, and chicken breast, all of which have substantial amounts of Vitamin B6. It’s generally a good idea to get your advised daily allowance of B6, especially during the winter months.

Last but not the least, make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. This will keep you feeling cool, hydrated, and less hungry than usual.

As a gestational surrogate, realize that appropriate nutrition is the key to how good or bad you feel, as what you put into your body influences your wellness. Be guided by the useful information in this article to integrate nutrition into your daily life.

Communicating with your gestational surrogate.

Intended Parents 101: Communicating with Your Gestational Surrogate

Communicating with your gestational surrogate during the surrogacy journey is very important to its success. The surrogate agency you work with will make sure that all of your preferences are met in finding an ideal gestational surrogate to assist you. The degree of communication and relationship you want with a gestational surrogate will really depend on you and your partner’s preferences. So it is very important to be truthful with your agency when disclosing this information.

After you have disclosed your personal preferences on the type of relationship and communication you want with a gestational surrogate, your surrogate agency will match you with a gestational surrogate who shares the same preferences with you and your partner. If you would like to keep your relationship with your gestational surrogate on a more personal level – meaning you want to have a close working relationship with open communication – your surrogate agency will find you a gestational surrogate who wants the same type of relationship.

If you prefer a more “business like” relationship with your gestational surrogate, your agency will pair you up with a suitable gestational surrogate who shares the same preferences. In this scenario, your agency will be doing most of the communicating with your gestational surrogate and will be informing you of any doctor’s appointments or checkups that you may want to attend with your gestational surrogate.

Communicating with your gestational surrogate is now easier than ever thanks to the services of a reliable surrogate agency. Remember, a good surrogate agency should be able to provide excellent services and support all throughout your surrogacy journey. They should be able to assist you in any way possible to make the journey a lot easier and more stress free for you and your partner.
